Jerry H. Biederman


he / him / his

F (312) 578-1541

Jerry is a former managing partner of the firm. He is a strategic advisor for various corporations, family-owned businesses and high net worth individuals with substantial domestic and international operations. Jerry has developed a successful practice in multiple disciplines – estate planning, business structuring, corporate transactions, tax planning, real estate, investments and many more – and gained extensive understanding of high-level transactions. His sophisticated and holistic approach enables him to help his clients overcome business challenges and seize valuable opportunities.

He structures both the contractual and tax aspects of complex, multicompany distribution arrangements for American exporters, negotiates major tenant leases, devises and implements significant asset restructurings for real estate clients, and integrates the development and execution of clients’ business and estate planning. He also manages clients’ business and personal litigation matters before federal and state courts throughout the country.

A trusted advisor to many clients, Jerry has guided them from their startup stages to their current success. Jerry excels at helping his clients work through the advantages and disadvantages associated with different succession strategies and designing effective plans that achieve seamless business transition to the next generation.

Jerry serves on the firm's Retirement Plans and Tax Review Committees.