Our clients rely on us to carefully review digital, print, social media and traditional advertising materials and advise them on marketing issues facing highly regulated industries including financial services, food and beverage, hospitality, hotels, gaming, health care and many more. We represent recognized, top-tier brand advertisers as well as smaller companies and start-ups. Our advisors help ensure that our clients’ promotional materials best reflect their brands while avoiding potentially costly or damaging oversights.

We counsel clients from conception of advertising creative through launch and, if necessary, defense of the advertising claims and marks. Our services include clearing promotional taglines, prebroadcast review of advertising and creative materials and ensuring compliance with the rules, regulations, and best practices governing advertisements, sweepstakes, contests and other promotions.

We guide our clients in regard to advertising substantiation, comparative advertising, the FTC Guidelines and the use of product and service endorsements and testimonials as well as other industry-specific guidelines. We also provide advice regarding the development and updating of client sites and related social media pages, including predeployment content and source review, risk analysis, evaluation and counseling, as well as Digital Millennium Copyright Act compliance and takedown procedures to take advantage of safe harbor protections.